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5 eco-gestures to adopt when hiking this summer

Summer is the ideal time to enjoy the wonders of the mountains. Hiking, a popular activity for many holidaymakers, allows you to recharge your batteries in the heart of nature and discover breathtaking scenery. However, it is essential to practice this activity responsibly to preserve the beauty and richness of our mountains.

Here are 5 eco-gestures to adopt on your summer hikes to help protect the environment.

1. Respect marked trails

When you go hiking, it’s crucial to stay on the marked trails. By deviating from the planned paths, you risk damaging the local flora and disturbing the wildlife. What’s more, by following marked trails, you reduce the risk of getting lost and preserve fragile mountain ecosystems.

2. Collect your garbage

Don’t throw anything away! Chewing gum takes 5 years to disappear completely, and a plastic bottle no less than 4 centuries! Take a bag with you to collect your garbage, including packaging, plastic bottles and tissues. Also remember to pick up litter left by other hikers to leave the mountain as clean as you found it (this trend, which originated in Sweden, is called plogging). For any cigarette butts, we provide small pocket ashtrays. Don’t hesitate to ask our reception team! Finally, don’t throw your unprocessed food waste just anywhere, as it could make animals sick or attract them to places where they shouldn’t be. If you can, bury it, otherwise take it home with you.

3. Use sustainable, eco-responsible products

Make sure you use eco-responsible products. Opt for organic sunscreens and insect repellents that are less harmful to the environment. For your hiking clothing, opt for eco-responsible labels (GOTS, OEHO-TEX 100, RDS, Bluesign, PFC Free or OCS 100), which guarantee products with low environmental impact. Avoid using disposable products such as wipes, and prefer sustainable alternatives such as tissues or reusable towels, as well as reusable water bottles, cutlery and crockery.

4. Limit water consumption and eat organic/local food

Water is a precious resource in the mountains, so it’s essential to preserve it. When hiking, take along a reusable water bottle and avoid buying plastic water bottles. If you need to refill your water bottle along the way, use drinking water sources and avoid drawing from streams or lakes to avoid disturbing aquatic ecosystems.  To take your picnic one step further, consider eating organic food, which is both healthy and much less harmful to the environment, as well as local produce. You’ll be supporting the local economy and reducing your carbon footprint.

5. Respecting flora and fauna

In the mountains, flora and fauna are particularly sensitive to human disturbance. So it’s vital to respect them by keeping a safe distance and avoiding feeding them. Admire wild animals from a safe distance, and don’t pick the flowers or plants you come across on your walks. Take a photo to keep as a souvenir!

By adopting these 5 eco-gestures when hiking this summer, you’ll be helping to preserve the beauty and richness of the mountains for future generations. Protecting the environment is everyone’s business, so commit to responsible, nature-friendly hiking on your next mountain getaway!

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